Tips And Instructions For Painting A Brick Home

Brick homes were very popular at one time and continue to be popular, as there is less to maintain as opposed to other siding options such as vinyl, aluminum or wood. Brick holds up over time very well, but if you live in an older brick home, you may find that the color is not exactly what you would have chosen. Older brick homes are usually brown, red, or white, without much variation in the brick color scheme like a newer home would have. There's good news though; you can actually paint over the brick to a color you would better prefer. See below for tips and instructions on how to paint over a brick home.

Here's What You'll Need;

  • Ladder (or scaffolding)
  • Drop cloths
  • Paint sprayer
  • Acrylic latex paint
  • Latex primer
  • Paintbrushes and rollers
  • Garden hose
  • Painter's tape
  • Newspaper


  1. Prep your home first before painting. This means spraying the house down to remove any mold, mildew, and dirt clinging to the bricks. You can use a garden hose to spray it down, as well as a mild detergent for a deeper clean. Rinse the house thoroughly to remove any remaining detergent. Then allow your home to dry completely before beginning. Also be sure to look at the weather before beginning this project. You want a few clear days without any rain in the forecast.
  2. Next, look over your home and repair any cracks in the bricks or in the mortar between the bricks. To repair these areas, use an acrylic caulk, which can be found at your local hardware store. Press the caulk into the crack after cleaning the crack out with a chisel and removing any loose pieces. Sand down the caulk if needed once dry.
  3. Apply painter's tape and newspaper to areas where you do not want paint such as doors and windows. Then lay a drop cloth down before beginning to paint.
  4. You may now begin to prime your house using the latex primer. Use the paintbrush to get in between bricks and other hard-to-reach areas. You can then roll the paint onto the bricks directly, or rent a paint sprayer, as this will be a pretty big job. Stand back from the house about two feet, then spray the house evenly beginning at the top and working your way down. Touch up any areas you may have missed with a paintbrush/roller. Allow the primer to dry.
  5. Next, use the acrylic latex paint along with the paint sprayer to paint your home in the color you chose. Allow the first coat to dry and apply a second coat if necessary.

Don't run out to get quotes on vinyl siding to cover up that ugly brick just yet. Cover the brick with paint instead. You can also contact residential exterior painting services if you do not want to do this on your own.
